Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HR General Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HR General Manager - Assignment Example BHP has its main operational branch in Melbourne, Australia and operates with around 30,000 employees globally. This section will comprise of a discussion related to important issues in human resource planning (HRP) that are faced by BHP at present. This section will also focus on the ways of sourcing appropriate labour for the organisation. Along with this, a discussion related to the major stakeholders who are directly involved in the process of HRP and anticipated issues will be undertaken. 1.1 Key Issues in Human Resource Planning BHP operates with a varied range of businesses that are resource based and operate in various locations all over the world with diversified cultures. BHP’s HRP is aimed towards connecting cultures and values with the objective of effectively managing its people and assessment of performance levels. The table below shows the process by which the entire HR planning strategy is followed: Source: (BHP Billiton, 2007). BHP Billiton has set a unique ch allenge for the human resource department via charter and strategy. The human resource department seeks to effectively establish a common business context and culture through its global operational organisations. In recognition of the challenge, the strategy at BHP is formulated as such that it states people to be the foundation of the organisation on which the entire set of activities is dependent. The biggest problem or HR planning issue at BHP is that due to increment in the number of activities in the organisation, both within BHP and the industry, scarcity of people or human resources has developed. In order to be successful, BHP has to concentrate more on the identification, recruitment, training and development of activities for its manpower. At the same time, it should also focus on the development and retention of a diversified, talented, motivated and mobile workforce (BHP Billiton, 2007). A recent incident in the company discusses the impact of external concern on the int ernal operations of the firm. For providing threat to its Australian rival Rio Tinto which does not use contractors in its operational activities, BHP also decided to follow their rival’s trends and thus planned to cut 7000 contractor position and replace them with employees. This decision of the company is visualised as a pressure over the contractors’ effectiveness in comparison with their rival, acting with employees is safer than contractors (The West Australian, 2009). The following table demonstrates the forecasted demand and supply of labour at BHP as evident from their strategic move of HR planning. Labour Demand Labour Supply The growing demand of commodities, mostly driven by India and China will provide rise to shortfall in industry talent and expertise Retention of important talent along with attracting new talent and manpower planning is required The strength of the BHP brand in the employment market has to be capitalised Extension of excellence from

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